Daydream Believer
I Managed to drop my, very recently bought, Yamaha 4C tenor mpc onto a hard tile floor today. It's now sporting a chip on the underside of the lip on the left side, about 4mm long. But, the outside edge of the mpc is intact.
I had assumed that any chip would mean the mpc should be binned, but, at least to my untrained ear, it doesn't sound any worse on the recently bought pre-loved BW TS-Y.
Would you expect any chip to ruin the mpc, or does it depend on where and how big it is, to make difference?
I had assumed that any chip would mean the mpc should be binned, but, at least to my untrained ear, it doesn't sound any worse on the recently bought pre-loved BW TS-Y.
Would you expect any chip to ruin the mpc, or does it depend on where and how big it is, to make difference?
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