A day early, but here it is - March's Ballad of the Month. No, it's not the Roxy Music one, it's the Matt Dennis and Earl Brent one from 1946.
Taz said he fancied something bluesy and this has long been a favourite of mine. It's not a 12 bar - it has the usual AABA song form. The A sections can be tackled with the appropriate blues scale (concert C minor blues), the middle 8 will probably need a bit more thought. Chris has worked his usual magic and produced backing tracks (both jazzy and bluesy)
Thanks, Chris.
It can also be found in Aebersold Vol 23 and the Hal Leonard Jazz playalong vol. 35. Both of these are in concert Dm.
Loads of people have covered this one. Here's a few:
Taz said he fancied something bluesy and this has long been a favourite of mine. It's not a 12 bar - it has the usual AABA song form. The A sections can be tackled with the appropriate blues scale (concert C minor blues), the middle 8 will probably need a bit more thought. Chris has worked his usual magic and produced backing tracks (both jazzy and bluesy)
Thanks, Chris.

It can also be found in Aebersold Vol 23 and the Hal Leonard Jazz playalong vol. 35. Both of these are in concert Dm.
Loads of people have covered this one. Here's a few:
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