PPT mouthpieces

Misc, Other Daxophone

I wonder if I should warn the officials of Dax (you rugby fans must know them) about this illegal use of their brand name!

If at least they included the very typical local accent. But no, I can't even "guess" a "zest" of it. :fingerwag:
funnily enough I'd just posted a set of links about the daxophone on my facebook page a few days ago, clearly Mr Zuckerberg isn't the only one spying on me....
I'm currently looking at the pdfs on how to make one on the website that the late Hans Reichel left behind for the world, and am starting to look at the chisels with a determined glint in my eye..... Reichel started off as a guitarist, modifying his instruments with extra frets and strings, eventually building a series of highly idiosyncratic instruments that culmnated in the daxophone, derived from the German word Dachs, meaning "badger" since he observed that it sounded like a cross between a cello and a mating badger...
Initially, I think it was inspired by the simple act of clamping a contact mic'd ruler to a table and seeing what sounds could be made from it and it developed into a full blown instrument with a whole selection of strangely shaped wooden tongues which have different modes of vibration far more complex than a simple vibrating string...
This is the only footage of Mr Reichel that I can find, filmed two years before his death - he manages a version of 'I Was Born Under A Wanderin' Star" at the end

View: https://youtu.be/A8uGNY2Qf9Y
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